I am not sure if this might work in your case but I worked with Punjabi font. What I did was not copied or entered the text into the string and then use the typeface.
Malayalam All Fonts Free Download
You certainly do use the typeface but in order for it to work properly you need to enter the Malayalam text in Transliteration i.e. As in the following example in Hindi as I don't know Malayalam.PUl Typeface customtyperface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets, 'fonts/AnjaliNewLipi.ttf');TextView mytext = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.mytext);mytext.setTypeface(customtyperface);mytext.setText('PUl'); //Assuming you know Hindi PUl in hindi is फूलThis will show the text in proper format with no issues however if you simply just enter mytext.setText('फूल');It is highly possible that it won't render the font properly.I hope this helps.:).
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